New Hope Economic Development inc.   Revolutionizing the Community
a hand to help others Children
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About Us

New Hope Economic Inc. organized in July of 1998 is a nonprofit organization operating exclusively for Educational and Charitable purposes. Our main goal is to assist the poor and disadvantage individuals and families towards a life of self-sufficiency.

Dr.-Michael-L.-&-Dr.-MalvaABOUT THE FOUNDERS

NHED Inc. founded by Dr. Michael and Dr. Malva Thomas. Michael is a pastor and founder of New Hope Worship Center in Miramar, Florida. Malva, Co-pastor with her husband, is also a certified teacher. After being in the classroom for many years, Malva saw the need for students to become better readers. She realized that students are great at calling words but had little or no concept
of what they read. Looking back into their own lives, they recall the difficulties they had with comprehension causing them to struggle through their earlier years in school. Malva remembers
how much her parents valued education but did not know how to help her. Malva recognized the need to help students and parents fulfill their purpose. Many students are from homes with single parent or both parents working to make ends meet. Majority of these parents would like to help their children but does not know how or simply can't find the time. This sometimes can be very frustrated for students, parents and teachers. As a result, "GREAT DIAMONDS" get lost in the rough. With three children of their own, Michael and Malva embraces the need to secure each precious stone. They sincerely believe that it takes a community to raise a child and are determine
to be a part of such community

Mission Statement

New Hope Development Inc. is committed to meet the needs of the people in the community, and provide an atmosphere of learning and encouragement to individuals in order to increase and maintain self worth and family values.